Categories: Chicago

Another travel headache for O’Hare visitors

There is a severe headache for the people who try to reach O’Hare International Airport in the peak hours via public transit. The Transit Authority of Chicago said, “We are working for improving the track signals in the way of CTA Blue Line”. The authority is also working on other dimensions on the key part of CTA Blue Line which connects Chicago Downtown and neighborhoods.

The improvements and other work required four weekend-shutdown. The improvements are needed to be done between the Jefferson Park station and Harlem station. The spokesman of CTA said, “It has not been decided when the extended shutdown would happen”. There is not any clarification given by the authority about how long the shutdown would last.

During the shutdown of the Blue Line, the travelers will use shuttle buses for reaching the O’Hare Airport from Jefferson stop to the Harlem stop. The authority said, “the shuttle bus service will help the travelers as they will get a bus on the station every 6 minutes between 4 a.m and 11 p.m. They will continue their journey with the Blue Line by re-tapping the Ventra payment card.

The first weekend-only shutdown will start from Friday at 10 pm and it will last till Monday at 4 am. The second weekend-only shutdown will last between May 17 and May 20. The newly installed system will improve the traffic and reliability of the Blue Line of CTA. The new signal system will open the gates for the new trains.

The travelers are advised to use the shuttle buses for completing their journey. It is a severe headache for the visitors of O’Hare as they have to face a lot of changings on their way. There is nothing clear how long the shutdown will last.

CTA is hopeful for attaining an improved signal system for the Blue Line as a result of this weekend-only shutdown. The new system will help to put more trains on the track.

Gabriella Remillard

Staff writer for the Chicago Morning Star

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