Cincinnati Reds

Chicago History Museum holds Black Sox Scandal Centennial Symposium

The 1919 World Series was started exactly 100 years ago. Eddie Cicotte, the pitcher of the Chicago White Sox, plunked…

5 years ago

Chicago Cubs beat the Cincinnati Reds

The Chicago Cubs have beaten the Cincinnati Reds as the game was full of action and drama. Javier Baez had…

6 years ago

The Cubs will face off the Reds in Series Finale

The Chicago Cubs will take on the Cincinnati Reds in a rubber match in the series finale. The Cubs have…

6 years ago

Chicago Cubs lose to the Cincinnati Reds

The Chicago Cubs blow another late lead as they lose to the Cincinnati Reds. The Cubs bullpen is struggling all…

6 years ago

Cincinnati Reds beat the Chicago Cubs

The Cincinnati Reds have beaten the Chicago Cubs 6-5. Yasiel Puig was the man of the moment as his single…

6 years ago