Joliet Junior College

Study Shows JJC’s Impact on Local Economy

Joliet Junior College operations supported approximately $128.7 million in economic output for the region in Fiscal Year 2020, according to…

3 years ago

10-Year-Old JJC Student on Path to Associate Degree

Benyamin Bamburac is not your typical 10-year-old; he is taking classes with students at least twice his age at Joliet Junior College.…

3 years ago

JC Board Approves 2021-2022 Budget

The Joliet Junior College Board of Trustees approved the Fiscal Year 2021-2022 budget during its regular meeting on June 23.…

4 years ago

JJC Alumna Honored for Achievements by ICCTA

Alisha Brennon, a 2020 graduate of the Joliet Junior College Orthotics and Prosthetics program, has won the Pacesetter Award from…

4 years ago

President Mitchell Receives ICCTA’s Ethical Leadership Award

Joliet Junior College President Dr. Judy Mitchell has received the Gary W. Davis Ethical Leadership Award from the Illinois Community…

4 years ago

New Student Trustee to be Advocate for Diversity

The pandemic hasn’t kept David Lozano, Joliet Junior College’s new student trustee, from staying active in campus clubs and activities.…

4 years ago

JJC Police’s Antione Edwards Named Officer of the Year

Joliet Junior College Police Officer Antione Edwards is among the recipients of the 2021 Juvenile Officer of the Year Award…

4 years ago

JJC Earns National Award for Advancing Diversity

Joliet Junior College is the national winner of the Award for Excellence in Advancing Diversity by the American Association of…

4 years ago

JJC Survey Will Gauge Interest in Vaccine Clinic on Main Campus

Joliet Junior College has partnered with Costco Pharmacy to gauge interest in a COVID-19 vaccine clinic on its campus. The…

4 years ago

JJC Makes Education Affordable For Students

Guadalupe Medina, a computer science major, chose to attend JJC because it was more affordable to attend a community college…

4 years ago

Official Results for JJC Trustees Election

As of April 27, the results are official for the Joliet Junior College Board of Trustees election. These top vote-getters…

4 years ago

Supporting Students’ Mental Health During a Pandemic

JJC’s Student Wellness Advocates saw a major increase in the use of their mental health services during the pandemic. There…

4 years ago

JJC Offering More In-Person Classes for Summer and Fall

As the state of Illinois enters the Bridge Phase of its reopening plan, Joliet Junior College will increase on-campus capacity and offer…

4 years ago

JJC Nominated for Two Awards From the American Association of Community Colleges

Joliet Junior College has been announced as a finalist for two 2021 Awards of Excellence given by the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC). JJC…

4 years ago

Ballot for JJC Board of Trustees have six candidates

JJC Board of Trustees have three seats to fill. This spring, election will take place to decide who will fill…

4 years ago

JJC to Receive Grant through WEI Program

The Illinois Community College Board’s Workforce Equity Initiative (WEI) program has selected Joliet Junior College to give grant funding. JJC…

4 years ago

JJC’s Adult Education Students Earn Certificates

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Joliet Junior College was preparing to transfer courses online in Mid-March. Adult education instructor Angela…

4 years ago

CARES Act Funding Fall Applications Open Through Aug. 31

Joliet Junior College students can support their education this fall by applying for funding through the CARES Act. The applications…

5 years ago

JJC’s FY 2021 Budget Approved

Joliet Junior College Board of Trustees have approved the college's FISCAL Year 2021 Budget. The approval was made at the…

5 years ago

Safe Fall Semester Preparations

Joliet Junior College announced in Mid-May that it would be holding all fall lectures online, with the possibility of in-person…

5 years ago

JJC Nursing Students Presented with Scholarships

The Bolingbrook Rotary Club has presented scholarships to two Joliet Junior College nursing students. Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, this year’s…

5 years ago

JJC Backyards Turned into Labs

Joliet Junior College students are turned towards remote learning as COVID-19 Pandemic took a toll on all aspects of life.…

5 years ago

JJS President urges students to take control of the future

Joliet Junior College President, Dr. Judy Mitchell, has urged all to take control of the future at JJC. Today would…

5 years ago

JJC: All Fall 2020 Lectures to be Held Online

Joliet Junior College President Dr. Judy Mitchell has informed the campus community that all fall 2020 lectures will be delivered…

5 years ago

JJC Board Welcome New Student Trustee

Dontae Crowder has been welcomed by the Joliet Junior College of Trustees as the newest student trustee during its May…

5 years ago

JJC Students & Employees utilizing the remote opportunities

The COVID-19 Pandemic has changed a lot, and Joliet Junior College has also come under the effect. JJC had moved…

5 years ago

Awards for Phi Theta Kappa Members

Joliet Junior College’s Phi Theta Kappa (PTK) Honor Society’s student’s hard work is being recognized at the national level. JJC’s…

5 years ago