
Pritzker sets standards for school return

The state of Illinois is preparing to move into the fourth phase of the Restore Illinois plan to reopen the…

5 years ago

No School Spring Term

Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker has declared that all schools will remain close across the state for the remainder of the…

5 years ago

University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign reveals funding schools would relieve property taxes

The Illinois Economic Policy Institute and the Project for Middle-Class Renewal at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign conducted a study,…

5 years ago

Junior Joliet College hosts 5th Annual Fluid Power Competition 2019

The fifth annual Fluid Power Action Challenge of the National Fluid Power Association (NFPA) was held at Junior Joliet College…

5 years ago

$1200 returned to Orangeville Schools by FHN Sports Physicals

FHN’s series of sports physical clinics has helped raised more than $16,000 for area schools. The physical clinics were held…

5 years ago

Advance Illinois’s report reveals Illinois schools on the rise

Advance Illinois, a statewide education advocacy group, released its annual report on “The State We’re In”. The annual report said,…

5 years ago

Chicago area schools taking steps to prevent teens from vaping

High schools in Chicago’s suburbs are taking steps to discourage students from vaping. The measures come amid rising rates of…

6 years ago

Worse shortage of teachers in Illinois gets worser

Mark klaisner, the president of the Illinois Association of Regional Superintendents of Schools, suggested the short-term fixes for long-term solutions.…

6 years ago

U-46 offers free breakfast at 22 schools

School District U-46 opens the gate for the new school year. Students of 22 schools will get the offer of…

6 years ago

Air Pollution in Malaysia shuts the schools

Malaysian state of Johor has faced the worst air pollution which made 75 students ill. More than 400 schools have…

6 years ago

Latest evidence against police in Chicago schools

Educational and social activists have been speaking for years that the city public schools get rid of the police. They…

6 years ago