Categories: Chicago

Affordable housing project in Elgin underways construction

The construction project to convert the former Larkin Center in Elgin into affordable housing progresses with the mission to be completed in late fall 2020. The general contractor on the 48-unit development is Joseph J. Duffy Co. The site encompasses 3.4 acre that includes six two-story townhouse buildings, six two-story stacked flats buildings.

The historic adaptive reuse of the three-story Larkin Center and one-story manager’s building is also included in the 3.4-acre space. A historic three-story building built in 1912, will be converted into 11 living units and a common area while a historic, one-story building will become a single two-bedroom manager’s unit.

According to the requirements in the historic tax credit program, the two existing buildings will be renovated to standards. The contractor is J.J. Duffy Co. They will be working on the two existing buildings to renovate to standards.

This will be the third time that the two existing buildings will be renovated to standards. Wood-framed structures will constitute the construction and water retention system will be installed to handle over 40,000 cubic feet of stormwater.

The Larkin Center closed in 2013. The Center was a residential care center for youths with behavioral and emotional issues. The main three-story building was designated a local landmark in 2004 and has been added to the National Register of Historic Places.

Gabriella Remillard

Staff writer for the Chicago Morning Star

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