Categories: Chicago

Crash injures two people near Thomas Middle School, Arlington Heights

The police and paramedics received the report of a crash that occurred at Belmont Avenue and Thomas Street at about 8:24 pm on Friday, December 13. According to the initial report, two people were injured in the crash occurred near Thomas Middle School, Arlington Heights. The crash occurred after the regular school hours.

According to the Arlington Heights police, one injured person was unconscious after the crash. He regained consciousness after some time, the paramedics confirmed. A witness of the crash said that one victim of the crash appeared dazed after the crash of a white Audi. The paramedics transported both victims of the crash to Northwest Community Hospital.

The witnesses told the media that the driver of the dark SUV was northbound when he disobeyed a stop sign at Thomas Street. The dark SUV hit the white Audi that was westbound, according to the witnesses. They added that the Audi was pushed into a newly re-built split rail fence.

According to the police, the driver was leaving an Adopt-a-Family event when he got wrong at a stop sign. The event was organized at Thomas Middle School in which a showdown dodgeball game was also included. The students and the teachers competed against each other in the game, according to the police officials. Two people became injured in the crash between a dark SUV and a white Audi. Both victims of the crash received non-life threatening injuries.

The initial report said that the person driving the Audi was unconscious after the crash. According to the officials, he regained consciousness after some time. Both crash victims were transported to Northwest Community Hospital by the paramedics.

Ivan Cease

Senior editor of the Chicago Morning Star

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