Categories: Chicago

Department of Employment Security migrates to new registry

The Illinois Department of Employment Security (IDES) has migrated to State Tax Lien Registry. This news was announced by IDES today. Businesses looking for IDES tax liens and releases filed can look at the State Tax Lien Registry for the information needed.

Before this migration, the businesses had to look for tax liens filed by IDES were required to search separate records in individual counties throughout the state. This consumed a lot of time and proved costly for the taxpayers looking for the information. The Illinois Department of Revenue operates and shares the online registry.

The registry provides a central, searchable database to locate all active liens and releases filed by IDES. The efficiency will increase due to this migration and lead to the receipt of more timely data for those seeking information regarding lien filings. However, there will be a downside as well as it will cost the department hundreds of thousands of dollars every year due to reducing state filing fees.

The registry now serves as the only source for searching and obtaining tax lien information. All liens distributed by IDES will now be issued through the State Tax Lien Registry. Liens issued prior to the migration will be searchable and viewable in the State Tax Lien Registry. Certificates of Release must be presented to the County Recorder’s office in the county in which they were originally recorded to remove them from public records.

There is no cost and no sign-up required to search or use the registry. To search the State Tax Lien Registry, visit and select the Businesses tab on the top of the webpage.

Shawn Genzone

Senior writer at the Chicago Morning Star

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