Categories: Chicago

Elgin’s City Playgrounds to Open

The City of Elgin Parks and Recreation Department has announced the decision of opening City-owned playgrounds on Monday, July 6. To encourage good hygiene, signage installation is underway. The city will implement other safety measures as well.

Elgin Parks and Recreation Director Maria Cumpata have advised discretion from the public. Cumpata said, “It’s prudent that parents, guardians and childcare providers practice good sanitation and explain the safety precautions to children if visiting a playground.” Safety is the priority for all. The City of Elgin urges the public to take safety precautions if using playground equipment.

  • Bring your own hand sanitizer and use it frequently.
  • After using the sanitizer, wash hands.
  • Don’t touch your mouth, eyes, and nose.
  • Wear a face covering if over the age of 2.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes.
  • If you are ill-or facing any COVID-19 symptoms, stay home.

The Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) recently issued guidance regarding Phase 4 of the Restore Illinois Plan. The plan allows the local units of government to decide whether or not to open playgrounds. Playgrounds are limited to 50 persons at a time.

The individuals have to follow social distancing guidance and all other applicable Illinois Department of Public Health (IDPH) guidance. The City of Elgin has 74 parks, 46 which have playgrounds. Both the Festival Park and Eastside Recreation Center splash pads are closed at this time. Restroom facilities at Lords Park, Wing Park, and Festival Park are open.

Josephine Poot


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