Categories: Chicago

Federal Judge sentenced a sex trafficker life imprisonment

Samuel Nichols, 34-year-old, was arrested back in 2014 in the case of sex trafficking. He was also convicted of sex trafficking in 2018. A federal judge sentenced him to life in prison after hearing his case briefly. He was accused of trafficking at least 12 women and children.

Nichols was involved in the commercial sex trades of the women and children. US Attorney’s office in the Northern District of Illinois said, “Nichols was first arrested in 2014 by the police and it got convicted in 2018”. The attorney’s office added, “He pushed the women and children, even 13-year-old girl, into sex trade and he kept the money they get from having sex”.

The attorney’s office also said, “He often made as much as $1000 per day via this commercial sex trade”. He exhibited his role as a trafficker as he tattooed his stomach with #1 Pimp. He also used the money earned from trafficking for funding a Chicago-based rap company which published his videos. Sarah Streicker, Michelle Peterson, and Elizabeth Pozolo argued that the depth and breadth of his crimes were horrific.

They added, “The defendant took the money got by the children and women for doing sex with hundreds of strangers. Nichols used this money for his own extravagant lifestyle which is a bitter crime”. Charles Fears, 26-year-old, was a partner of Nichols’ operation. He pleaded guilty last year and he will be sentenced on July 16.

Attorney’s office said, “These two men sexually abused the children and women worked for them and they supplied them with alcohol and other drugs for keeping them persuasive for committing brutal sex acts”. Nichols, once, brutally beat a woman who got hospitalized due to his cruelty on her. The federal judge has sentenced Nichols with a life imprisonment. His partner in crime, Charles Fears, will be sentenced on July 16 by the federal judge.

Gabriella Remillard

Staff writer for the Chicago Morning Star

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