Categories: World

Female Journalists Resigned over the Issue of Distrust in Vatican

An article about the abuse of nuns was posted as an article by the Vatican’s journalist which caused discredit of the journalist. The journalists have resigned from their jobs as a protest against this distrust. Editorial Journalists gave a statement, “Vatican has distrusted them after they lifted the issue of the abuse of nuns”.

The female editorial team and founder of Vatican’s women’s magazine resigned as they got distrust from Vatican due to an article posted by them in their magazine. Lucetta Scaraffia, who is the founder of magazine, said, “Our resignation letter will be posted in the April edition of the Women Church World”. Women Church World is a popular magazine in Vatican. She also wrote an open letter to Pope Francis about this issue of mistrust. She highlighted two important points in here letter to Pope Francis including mistrust and progressive delegitimization.

The editorial team includes 11 members which are working with magazine since 2012. Scaraffia also told that some powers are tried to take control on the editorial team of the Women Church World. The failure of that attempt moved them towards the delegitimization of the editors. The Catholic Weeklies threatened the magazine to stop its distribution. Catholic Weeklies is the distributor of the magazine in French, Spanish, and Latin languages.

Scaraffia told the press that Andrea Monda, the new male director of L’Osservatore, tried to control the women publication by acquiring editorial control. She added, “We were working independently and freely since the arrival of Monda”. However, Monda has denied his interference in the editorial processing of the Women Church World. The controversy rose in February when Scaraffia posted an article about the abuse of the nuns by priests and bishops. The pontiff supported Sacarffia by saying, “there is a lot to be done in order to rise this issue properly”.

Ivan Cease

Senior editor of the Chicago Morning Star

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