Categories: Chicago

IAWPCO honours Naperville Water Utility

The Illinois Association of Water Pollution Control Operators (IAWPCO) honours the City of Naperville’s Springbrook Water Reclamation Center with the 2019 Group One Best Operated Wastewater Treatment Works Award. The Illinois EPA Division of Water Pollution Control Field Operations Section nominated Springbrook for the award.

Springbrook was one of only four nominated plants statewide in the Group One category, which recognizes the largest plants in the state. In November 2019, a thorough on-site inspection of the facility and records were conducted by the IAWPCO awards committee.

“We’re so proud to be recognized by our peers,” said Director of Naperville’s Water and Wastewater Utility Darrell Blenniss. “This award acknowledges the hard work and dedication of our employees who strive to maintain the highest standards for the benefit of our customers and the environment.”

There are many criteria for the award. They include the effluent quality (water returned to the DuPage River), equipment maintenance and upgrades, operator certification, safety, plant appearance, budget, laboratory facilities and community support. At Springbrook, wastewater is taken through a series of steps to treat, filter and disinfect the water.

The DuPage River receives the treated water while the solids are recycled into a nutrient-rich fertilizer called biosolids. Springbrook produces about 2,000 dry tons of biosolids and processes over seven billion gallons of water each year. Naperville’s Water and Wastewater Utility is part of the state’s largest combined utility systems that operate as both Naperville’s Water and Wastewater Utility.

Gabriella Remillard

Staff writer for the Chicago Morning Star

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