Categories: Chicago

Illinois state-level Future City Competition to take place on January 18

The theme of 2019-20 Future City Competition is Clean Water: Tap Into Tomorrow. The Illinois state-level competition will take place on January 18, 2020. The venue of the competition will be Whitney Young Magnet School, Chicago.

The students are allowed to work as a team with an educator and a STEM mentor. The requirements of the competition include a virtual city design, a 1500 words essay, a scale model of the city, and a short presentation to be presented in front of a panel of STEM professionals. The virtual city design will be developed with the aid of SimCity software. The scale model of the city should be built with the aid of recycled materials.

The students are asked to address an authentic and real-world question: How can we make the world a better place? The requirements of the competition must be fulfilled by the teams by keeping the project management and engineering design process as a central objective. The annual Future City Competition has the participation of more than 40000 students in the US.

According to the officials, at least 1500 schools and 40 regions compete in the annual Future City Competition. The regional winners of the competition face off each other and international teams in the Future City® Finals. The team from Canada and China compete in the finals with the US regional teams. The finals will take place in Washington DC from February 15 to February 19.

The winner of the competition will get a grand prize of a trip to the US Space Camp. The winner will also get $7500 for the STEM program of its school. Bentley Systems is the sponsor of the Finals. Future City offers several opportunities for engineering and technology professionals. For more information, you can visit the official site of Future City at The students are excited to participate in the competition.

Gabriella Remillard

Staff writer for the Chicago Morning Star

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