Categories: Chicago

Joliet Mayor Bob O’Dekirk release statement related to protests over Floyd’s death

Bob O’Dekirk, the mayor of the City of Joliet, released his statement related to the protests over the death of George Floyd, a black US citizen, in Minneapolis. Floyd died in the custody of police when a white police officer fatally pressed his knee on Floyd’s neck.

O’Dekirk stated, “On Sunday afternoon, I had a great discussion with peaceful protesters who are justifiably angry about the death of George Floyd.” He added that the main goal of the protesters was to participate in building a better understanding between minority members of the community and the government.

He said, “We were all working towards a common goal.” The peaceful protesters made their views known and went home after that, according to O’Dekirk. The statement of the mayor of Joliet stated that the rioters, looters, and vandals came out on Sunday night to disgrace themselves.

O’Dekirk said that the vandals disgraced their families and community on Sunday night. He stated, “As a former Joliet Police officer and as the Mayor of Joliet sworn to uphold the laws of our state and city, I was on the front lines with our police officers urging anyone disturbing the peace or engaging in criminal activity to go home.” The rioters started abusing the police officers and started throwing rocks, bottles, and bricks on them, the mayor said.

The police officers were attempting to protect the peaceful citizens of Joliet when the vandals started their disgraced activities. The mayor was also confronted and attacked by a rioter. O’Dekirk said in his statement, “Unlike many Joliet first responders protecting Joliet that night, I was lucky enough to walk away with just a few bruises.” He urged the resident of Joliet to stand together. He condemned the violence and defended the right of the citizens of Joliet to protest peacefully. He said, “We should all do our part to promote the defense of our families, our homes, and our local businesses.”

Adyson Sipes

Staff writer for the Chicago Morning Star

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