Categories: USA

Trump says US-Taliban peace talks are dead

Donald Trump talked to the media on Monday and declared that the peace talks of the United States with the Taliban were dead. He said that the US troops would still withdraw from Afghanistan war. The US war with the Afghan Taliban is the longest war of American forces. A long effort of reducing the violence in Afghanistan collapsed this weekend.

Trump said that the US troops would withdraw from Afghanistan at the right time. He added, “Our soldiers are incredible but they are serving as policemen, to a large extent.” There are 14000 American troops deployed in Afghanistan. Trump said that it was not the role of the US to secure the world. The Trump administration has made a plan to send 5400 American troops home by early 2020.

The US and Taliban agreed on the cease-fire in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan, in the negotiation process of the peace talks. In recent weeks, Kabul shattered with several attacks by the Taliban. The violence is expected to rise due to the political instability in the country. Trump said in his media talk that the Afghan government should take responsibility for its security as soon as possible.

Trump has promised to end the US involvement in the Afghan war. He said, “As far as I am concerned, the peace talks are dead.” It was still unclear whether the peace talks were permanently ended. The Us forces attacked Afghanistan 18 years ago. The purpose of the invasion was to find out Osama bin Laden and other leaders of Al Qaeda. Afghanistan was ruled by the Taliban at that time. Al Qaeda was behind the attack of September 11, 2001, and the Taliban were providing the safe haven to Al Qaeda.

According to the current situation, Trump now faces a difficult choice. The withdrawal of 5400 US troops from Afghanistan without the peace negotiation is a hard choice for him. The Pentagon has suggested maintaining the number of troops in Afghanistan for intelligence purposes. The peace talks are dead and the choices have become difficult for Trump.

Ivan Cease

Senior editor of the Chicago Morning Star

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