Categories: Chicago

Visit World Shooting and Recreational Complex in Sparta for getting Gun Rights update on Dec. 14

State Rep. Nathan Reitz, D-Steeleville, invited the community to learn more about gun rights in Illinois. He will host a community meeting on December 14, 2014, at the World Shooting and Recreational Complex, Sparta. He said that the rights of the law-abiding gun owners must be protected by the state’s laws and regulations.

Reitz has passed a new law that will reduce the unnecessary burden of regulations on gun owners. He said, “I am fighting to reduce unnecessary burdens on sportsmen by improving expirations for concealed carry licenses.” He urged the community to join him for his Gun Violence Update. The public will get to know about the efforts of Reitz in terms of gun regulations. He said that he supported the responsible gun ownership in Illinois.

The Illinois State Rifle Association (ISRA) and the Illinois Department of Natural Resources (IDNR) are the partners of Reitz’s Gun Rights Update. The gathering will take place on Saturday, December 14, 2019, from 9:00 am to 10:30 am at the World Shooting and Recreational Complex. The ISRA and the IDNR will give an important update about the gun laws to the hunters and gun owners.

Reitz’s Gun Rights Update will acknowledge his efforts and update the residents with the change in gun law. The World Shooting and Recreational Complex is located at 1 Main Event Ln. in Sparta. Reitz made efforts to protect Illinoisans’ Second Amendment rights.

Reitz has passed an important law as a state representative. The law reduces the burdensome regulations on gun owners by increasing the time period of concealed carry licenses. It also exempts the World Shooting Complex from recent firearm dealer licensing requirements. Reitz said, “Many of our traditions in Southern Illinois center on outdoor sports like hunting and shooting.” He said that his top priority was to protect the Second Amendment rights of the residents.  He said that he knew the importance of traditions as a lifetime Illinoisan.

Shawn Genzone

Senior writer at the Chicago Morning Star

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