Categories: Chicago

Border Patrol tactical units arrive in Chicago

Border Patrol tactical units will arrive in Chicago on Monday as the public-charge rule has taken effect. The immigrant groups of Chicago have stepped up their preparations related to the arrival of the units. US Rep. Jesus “Chuy” Garcia criticized the deployment of these units in Chicago in a news conference held in the office of PASO in Melrose Park.

Garcia said, “The deployment of Border Patrol units to sanctuary cities like Chicago is actually intended to suppress the 2020 US Census count for Hispanics.” Garcia added that the Trump administration took this step to threaten their community. She urged her community to participate in the Census with great enthusiasm.

Garcia claimed that the US Census count would result in Latinos as the largest minority group. Sen. Celina Villanueva of Chicago also criticized this effort of the Trump administration. Villanueva said, “We have fought back before and will continue to do it, because if you come for our community you come for us.” Villanueva added that they were not going to stand for it.

Garcia and Villanueva also criticized the public-charge rule by saying that it was implemented to make things hard for the immigrants. According to them, this new rule will restrict immigrants to come to the US for work. Garcia took shots at the Trump administration and called it an “anti-immigrant and xenophobic administration.” Lawrence Benito, the executive director of the Illinois Coalition for Immigrants and Refugee Rights, said, “President Trump is resorting to the politics of fear.”

Mony Ruiz-Velasco, the director of PASO, said, “Our communities obviously continue to be under attack every day.” She called the public-charge rule of Trump administration a “new attack” on immigrants. The majority of immigrants in Chicago live in the suburbs. Ruiz-Velasco said that there was a need to focus on the suburbs as well along with the city. The immigration activists have advised the immigrants to walk away silently if they confront the federal agents.

Ivan Cease

Senior editor of the Chicago Morning Star

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