Categories: Chicago

Classes Were Cancelled at High School in Chicago Due to Threat

Lessons were canceled in a West Chicago school on Wednesday. School administration received a bomb threatening phone call and could not risk the safety of students.

All children had been evacuated from West Chicago Community High School immediately when the police got information about the call. The policemen verified the safety of the school, the building was empty and they did not find any dangerous items.

According to authorities, emergency service arrived on the scene quickly, the DuPage County Sheriff also had been there. Police started evacuation of students, teachers, and staff to prevent danger and to avoid panic. The evacuation has been finished until 2 p.m.

Children were gathered at the school`s football field to be instructed about the further actions and to receive water. They were not allowed to take their backpacks from the classrooms.

Some children were taken back homes by school buses. Others were met by parents. Adults were informed not to go to the school and meet their children at Wood and Stimmel Streets. Fortunately, no one was injured in the incident. Search operation took police near 2,5 hours.

Shawn Genzone

Senior writer at the Chicago Morning Star

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