Categories: Chicago

Continued Success: RAEDC’s annual meeting goal

Rebecca Ryan had the opportunity to discuss the future of Rockford Region as she addressed the business and community leaders at the Rockford Area Economic Development Council’s (RAEDC) Annual Meeting.

Ryan had predicted where the Region would have stand fourteen years prior and she had evaluated her predictions. She said that the region had achieved so much since her last addressed. She said, “It’s very forward-looking for the Rockford Area Economic Development Council to explore this question of AI’s impact on the region’s employers and economy. Almost all of us are interacting with AIs every day when we say ‘Okay Google’ or ‘Hey Siri’ or when they talk to Alexa”

She had pointed out that AI has benefits but there are downsides as well as she says, “But most people don’t know that AIs have been taking jobs since the 1990s and the long-term impact will create an even bigger divide between the haves and have nots. This is an important conversation about businesses’ role in thoughtfully advancing AI.”

During her presentation, the three observations noted for consideration of technology, AL, and humans interaction rises:

  • AI is everywhere and getting smarter
  • AI’s impact on jobs and the economy is, in part, up to us
  • There are differences but also relationships between big data, AI, computational learning, and neural networks

President & CEO Nathan Bryant told people that the community is certainly moving forward. He said, “By continuing to connect the dots, finding sustainable solutions to creating a skilled workforce, and focusing on where we want to be as a community, we will attain our goals of making this THE place people want to work, play and live.” Chairman of the RAEDC’s Board of Director Mike Paterson had updated about the Rockforward20/20 Strategic Plan.

Shawn Genzone

Senior writer at the Chicago Morning Star

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