Categories: Chicago

Homeowners get rebate offer from Naperville Electric Utility

The City of Naperville Electric Utility has been offering a rebate up to $1000 to the homeowners who install a roof-mounted solar system or a water heating solar system. The rebate is offered to the residential Naperville Electric Utility customers who install the solar systems between October 2019 and December 2020.

The residential customers of Naperville Electric Utility and the homeowner of a single-family home are eligible to receive the rebates. The system monitoring and battery costs are not included in the total project cost. The solar installation must be installed, owned, and maintained by the applicants. The rebate will be provided to the applicants in the form of a check. One account of the residential customer can receive one rebate.

The applicants must be the contributor to the Renewable Energy Program when they submit the application. The minimum contribution is allowed to be $5 per month. The Naperville Renewable Energy Program was initiated in 2004. The program was started to attract the Naperville Electric Utility customers towards renewable energy sources. The program provided a way for customers to purchase renewable energy from Illinois resources of renewable energy. The rebates are provided by the Illinois Renewable Energy Program.

The program was expanded in 2012 when it was decided to provide grants to the non-residential customers of the Naperville Electric Utility. The renewable energy projects are funded by the program in Naperville for both residential and non-residential customers. The residents are businesses located in Naperville make a good contribution to the program every month via utility bills. The contributors to the program can submit an application if they install a solar energy system.

The application form is present on the official website of the city. You can download the form by visiting You are also advised to read the terms and conditions before submitting an application. The program aims to fulfill the energy requirements of Naperville via renewable energy sources.

Adyson Sipes

Staff writer for the Chicago Morning Star

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