Categories: Chicago

Mother charged with battery and the infant is on life support in trauma center

Chicago police arrested a mother who was involved in the felony aggravated battery case against her infant child. Trivea Jones, 23-year-old, has been charged with two counts of felony in this case.

According to the police, Jones has been charged with two counts, felony aggravated battery and felony domestic battery, in connections with her child. Police said, “Aurora police and Aurora fire officials received a call related to a child not breathing at home”. Police and fire officials responded to the call immediately and they found a child in unconscious situation in the 2000 block of Fox Pointe Drive.

Police said, “We found a child lying on the floor of the family room and we tried to save him immediately”. The child was taken to the area hospital for initial treatment. The medical officials of the area hospital found the child with trauma and skull fracture. Police said, “The doctors told us that the child has been suffered with severe trauma and fractured skull”.

The authorities took the child to the trauma center of Chicago and he is on the life support there. Jones said in her initial statement to the police, “I was alone at home and found my son not breathing. I was feeding him at that time when I found him not breathing”. Later on, she admitted that she slammed her son against a piece of furniture. She said, “I went out to ask a neighbor for calling some help after slamming my son”.

Jones is currently kept in the Kane County Jail and she is waiting for the court date there. The detectives of Aurora have a close eye on the condition of the child. Police said, “Kane County’s office of attorney may file additional charges against her”. The child is on the life support in the Chicago trauma center. Police took the mother into their custody and kept her in Kane county Jail.

Shawn Genzone

Senior writer at the Chicago Morning Star

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