Categories: Chicago

Nathan Reitz to increase transparency in lobbying practices

State Rep. Nathan Reitz, D-Steelville is continuing to increase accountability among public officials and pass commonsense ethics reforms. In pursuit of his mission, he has recently passed legislation to increase transparency in lobbying practices. Reitz said, “Illinoisans deserve a government they can put their faith in to make the tough decisions to get our state back on the right track.”

Reitz added, “I said enough is enough to Illinois’ notorious reputation for corruption in government, and took action to pass comprehensive measures that will hold public officials accountable to the folks they represent.” Reitz has sponsored the Senate Bill 1639. The bill will reform state government ethics and lobbying practices.

The bill will ensure that there is increased transparency of outside income, assets, significant debts, gifts and relationships to lobbyists. Reitz bill was recently signed into the law. It will require that lobbyists will disclose each unit of government they are registered to lobby, and all elected or appointed positions they hold.

“Lawmakers’ focus should be on lifting up middle-class families and moving Illinois forward, not schemes and under-the-table deals to get themselves rich,” continued Reitz. “I will continue to work to put an end to corruption in government and passing reforms to give Southern Illinoisans a government that they can trust to make the right decisions for them.”

Ivan Cease

Senior editor of the Chicago Morning Star

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