Categories: Chicago

Virtual Public Workshop to be hosted by Moving Will County

Moving Will County project is hosting a virtual public workshop on August 13, 2020. Will County and the Chicago Metropolitan Agency partnered for the Moving Hill County project. The partnership is a planning that combines a Truck Routing & Communities Study and a Transportation & Land Use Strategy.

Achieving a balance between truck traffic and routing, existing freight land use clusters and new development, agricultural business, natural and cultural resources, and residential areas is the goal of the project. On Thursday, August 13 from 6-7:15 pm, a virtual Public Workshop is planned. The workshop will present initial findings and seek public feedback on potential truck routes.

The project started in November 2019. Research, data analysis, and various focus groups have been held by the planning team. The focus groups are held with various and local organizations to understand current issues and opportunities. The document section of the project website has the Existing Conditions Reports for both the Truck Routing & Communities Study and Transportation & Land Use Strategy that summarize these findings.

Local input is needed to make sure the team is on the right track as they look forward to the future and develop recommendations to achieve the desired balance. Brief presentations, live polling, and Q&A will be included in the virtual Public Workshop.

Online and offline engagement will also be available following the workshop. In-depth feedback will also be available. The participants unable to attend the workshop can also be part of the workshop. Register for the workshop and visit the project website to sign up to receive email updates from Moving Will County:

Adyson Sipes

Staff writer for the Chicago Morning Star

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