Categories: Chicago

Visitors can enter Lincoln Park Zoo in free until Dec, 2049

Zoo operators and city’s park district have reached to an agreement. Under this agreement, Lincoln Park Zoo will remain free to all until 31st of December, 2049. The Lincoln Park Zoological Society is the current operator of the zoo. The Chicago Park District owns the land and buildings at the zoo.

The agreement between operators and the land-owners have been extended until the end of 2049. Currently, the zoo generates revenue from retail shops, parking, food services, and fund-raising on a daily basis. Kevin Bell, CEO of Zoological Society of Lincoln Park, said, “Keeping the zoo free is a great thing for the city and for people visiting Chicago.”

Lincoln Park Zoo tweeted, “Lincoln Park Zoo is a magical place, dedicated to remaining free.” Lincoln Park Zoo is the most famous entity of Chicago as at least 3.42 million visited the zoo in 2018. It is, no doubt, a far more popular among the visitors than the other museums and nature parks of Chicago. Among all famous places of Chicago, only Brookfield Zoo and Shedd Aquarium approached the threshold of two million visitors.

Brookfield Zoo was visited by 1.91 million people in 2018 while Shedd Aquarium was visited by 1.9 million people in 2018. People will visit one of the most popular places in Chicago free. The operating authority of the zoo has called it a great thing for the visitors. The agreement has been signed by both authorities and the park will remain free until the mid-century.

Lincoln Park Zoo relies on retail shops, parking, and food services to generate revenue. More people will come to visit the zoo in the upcoming years. The revenue of the zoo is dependent on the number of people visiting the zoo. Lincoln Park Zoo is famous among the families as all of us love to spend some time with animals.

Adyson Sipes

Staff writer for the Chicago Morning Star

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