Categories: Chicago

Springfield Police Department announces traffic safety enforcement campaign during holiday festivities

The Springfield Police Department announced its traffic safety enforcement campaign during the holiday festivities. The campaign focuses on impaired and unbuckled drivers. The time period of the campaign is announced from December 23, 2019, to January 2, 2020.

Fatality Analysis Reporting System of the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration released a report about the crashed occurred last December. According to the report, the traffic crashes involving drunk driving took the lives of 839 people last December. The report said that 285 people lost their lives in the drunk driving crashes in Christmas and New Year holidays in 2018.

These fatalities were more than any other time of 2018. The Springfield Police Department gave some important tips to the residents via this announcement. The main aim of the Springfield Police Department is to keep the residents safe during the holidays. The department advised the residents to plan a sober road driving trip. The residents can use public transport or ride-sharing service to reach home safely.

The department reminded the public to report immediately if they see an impaired driver on the roads. The department gave the tip to take care of the friends who were about to drive impaired. The residents need to take the keys of the vehicle of their friends who are about to drive impaired. They also need to help them get home safely. The press release of the Springfield Police Departments stated, “Always Buckle up!”

The campaign is named “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over”. The Illinois Department of Transportation is the administrator and funder of the campaign. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration manages the federal highway safety funds. The funds for this campaign are taken from federal highway safety funds. Sober driving is a key protective measure needed to be taken by the residents during the holiday season.

Gabriella Remillard

Staff writer for the Chicago Morning Star

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