Amazon delivers 2000 “Boxes of Smiles” to needy Baltimore residents

Mike Mareen /
It is quite common to see Amazon delivering packages in the US. This time, at least 4000 employees of Amazon in Baltimore delivered 2000 gift boxes to the needy people in the city. Amazon calls these boxes “boxes of smiles”. Preet Virdi, the Operations Director of Amazon, brought the gifts to the city. He said, “This includes toys, gifts, items of personal care, and many more things.”
The Baltimore city attempted to put some residents on its disenfranchised list earlier this year. Amazon came onto the ground level to help the people in need in the city on the base of this disenfranchised list. Jerrianne Anthony, the director of the City Homeless Services, said, “We have approximately 2500 men, women, and children who were experiencing an episode of homelessness at that time.”
It is hard to spend time without having a roof over the head. These boxes of smiles mean too much for those who suffered from homelessness. These boxes are much more than gifts and essentials for them. Sakina Ilyas told the crowd, “Amazing. Amazon. The gifts. We need them.” She added that they need the Mayor’s Office of Human Services.
Ilyas said that she faced homelessness with her family in the past. Baltimore is facing a lack of houses for the residents. There are 1700 abandoned houses in the city, according to her. The Housing Authority of Baltimore will stop receiving public housing applications on December 20. Ilyas appreciated the gift box along with a check for $50000 from Amazon.
Ilyas added, “More is needed because when this is gone, the stage is set, the curtain is open, but what happens when it’s over?” The City of Baltimore is working on a three-year plan to address homelessness. According to the plan, the city will take strong steps for reducing homelessness. The combining actions are needed to minimize the homelessness from the city. However, the needy people appreciated the gifts given by Amazon.