City of Joliet Joint Review Board Meeting

City of Joliet Joint Review Board Meeting

The City of Joliet Joint Review Board will meet Thursday, May 20, 2021 at 10:00 am in the Council Chambers, Second Floor, at Joliet City Hall, 150 West Jefferson Street, Joliet, Illinois. The Joint Review Board will review City of Joliet Tax Increment Financing (TIF) districts including TIF #2, TIF #3, TIF #4, TIF #5 and TIF #6.  Members of the public are invited to attend and allowed to speak under public comment.

As Phase 4 of the Restore Illinois Plan continues, Governor Pritzker is moving Illinois forward to a Bridge to Phase 5 mitigation on Friday, May 14, 2021.  In order to adhere to social distancing guidelines, the capacity in Council Chambers will remain at 18 members of the public.

During meetings, any member of the public physically present in the Council Chambers in excess of the limit will be asked to wait in another room with live feed to the meeting until the Citizens To Be Heard on Agenda Items section or Public Comments section of the meeting has commenced. Speakers will be rotated into Council Chambers to allow everyone an opportunity to speak.

Pursuant to the Illinois Department of Commerce & Economic Opportunity’s Guidelines, it is recommended that any individual appearing in‑person wear a face‑covering to cover their nose and mouth.

Citizens who are unable to attend the meeting can email comments in advance of the meeting to


Staff writer for the Chicago Morning Star

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