Florida man loses 160 pounds in order to join army

A huge number of Americans are working on losing weight with new goals in 2020. One Florida man is working on losing his weight for a greater purpose. Christian Montijo, a 28-year-old man, has lost 160 pounds by meal prepping and exercise. He is ready to join the US Army after working hard on losing weight.
He had a dream of joining the US Army but his weight was a hurdle in the way of the accomplishment of his goal. He was enlisted in the Army in October and he will go for basic training on Tuesday. Montijo said, “In the beginning, my goal was to join the army. He said that he wanted to lose weight and join the army. He was excited about his basic army training.
The US Army said that Montijo once had a weight of 350 pounds and he was not fit for the army. Montijo is a father of two children. Montijo is selected as a satellite Communications systems operator-maintainer. He told the Army News Media, “Last year at this point if you told me that ‘I’d give you a million dollars to do one pushup,’ I couldn’t have done it.”
Montijo added, “I would go down but I could not go up to save my life.” He said that he was interested in two things including communications and technology. The weight loss was important to get ready for the basic training, Montijo’s recruiter said. Sgt. 1st Class Isaac Ayala said, “He is more than ready because he is continuing to lose weight.” The US Army said that the acceptable weight to join the US army is 206 pounds for a 6-foot man.
The US Army said on their website, “Poor body composition causes problems for the Army and the individual soldiers.” There is a lot of difference between the soldiers with proper development and soldiers with inadequate development. The US Army said, “When a soldier is overweight, his or her physical ability to perform declines. The overweight soldier also has an increased risk of developing diseases and injuries.