Illinois Natives are complaining of the Potholes
Potholes are emerging in Illinois with each passing day.
The Illinois natives are tired of the potholes and craters emerging especially in the main junctions.
The road repair grades of the region are very poor.
NBC 5’ Kye Martin has reported on this issue.
The inaugural AAA Consumer Poll has carried out a survey. In this survey 403 motorists were asked about the condition of roads and bridges in Illinois.
The results were according to the views of majority of people in the region. 75 percent of the people said that the roads were in fair or poor condition.
60 percent of the surveyed people said that the funding for maintaining the roads are not sufficient.
AAA were asked about the issue. They have said that majority of the issues could be solved by raising the gas tax.
There were negative comments on these views of the AAA. 74 percent of the people have said that the gas taxes are already too much. The taxes shouldn’t be risen.
People say that this is a short-time solution. They should look at long-term solutions like tolling or implementing road-usage charges.
The AAA have said that the drivers’ main issue is not the multi-times fixing the road.
Several people of Illinois have said that the potholes need to be addressed. One of the people said that the stuff they use is not up-to par with the standards.
The reports have been given to upper level authorities.
The AAA, themselves say that the drivers spend about $500 dollars on car repairs.
They also say that the drivers are not ready to pay more for addressing the potholes issue.
The drivers say that they are already been charged too much. They will not be warming up to the idea of having to pay more money in the form of any tax.
The AAA will have to find another way to solve the potholes and crater issues in Illinois.