Naperville Police plans to participate in a traffic safety campaign

“Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” is the theme of the campaign. The residents of Illinois are ready for the celebrations of the Labor Day at the end of this summer. The Napierville Police Department is planning to participate in the campaign related to road safety. The main focus of the campaign is on drunk, distracted, and unbuckled drivers.
Derek Zook, the Sgt. of Napierville Police, said, “Our goal is to help ensure that our community’s residents and visitors make it home safely after the party ends.” Illinois State Police and local law enforcement agencies are the partners of Naperville Police in terms of increasing statewide efforts. Zook added that they would keep impaired drivers off the roads. He also urged the community to plan a sober ride ahead of the Labor Day.
A small amount of alcohol can impair judgment and reaction time. The community’s residents are requested to plan a sober ride and do not let the friends or family members drive drunk. The campaign is sponsored by the Illinois Department of Transport. The IDT will provide the funds for the campaign from federal traffic safety funds.
There will be a high-visibility crackdown on the Labor Day weekend. The crackdown will run until the early morning hours of September 3. A media campaign will remind the motorists with the fact that impaired driving has life or death. Zook said, “We urge you to plan a sober ride. It could be a matter of life or death.”
The residents are quite enthusiastic about the end of the summer celebrations on Labor Day. Drunk drivers deal with the matter of life or death. A small mistake can make huge damages. Everyone must remember to designate a sober driver before the start of the fun on Labor Day. Napierville Police aims to keep the drunk drivers off the road during the Labor Day weekend. “Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over” campaign is an effort to remind the importance of safe driving to the community.