Steel raise $6400 for Cyclones Amateur Hockey Association through auction

The Illinois Aviation Academy presented the auction during Winterfest on Saturday night at Fox Valley Ice Arena. The money raised through the auction went to benefit Cyclones Amateur Hockey Association. The fans raised nearly $6400 during the auction during the December 14 game.
The Steel players wore ugly sweater jerseys during the Saturday night game. It was a limited edition, red and green striped jersey. The lucky Steel fans went home with a game-worn and signed jersey of their favorite player. The Steel won the Saturday night game against the Tri-City Storm with a margin of 3-1. The Fox Valley Ice Arena hosted the largest crowd in the history of Chicago.
Tyler Carpenter, the forward of the Steel, and Victor Ostman, the netminder of the Steel, proved to be the most favorite players of the fans. They were honored with the highest bids of $500 each. The Illinois Aviation Academy sponsored the auction event. Bob Werderich helped in managing the fundraising event. Werderich is also said to be the Cyclones Hockey parent.
He said, “Illinois Aviation Academy has been a long-time supporter of the Steel, the Boys and Girls Scouts of America and Tuskegee NEXT. He added that they were proud of partnering with the Cyclones for the event. It was a great night for the Steel fans as their team won the match, they got gifts, and enjoyed fun games during the contest. Tom Baginski, the president of the Cyclones Amateur Hockey Academy, thanked the Steel, the Aviation Academy, and the Werderich family for their support.
He said that the money raised through the auction would be spent on providing funds to the financially struggling players. The Cyclones will also spend the money on the Cyclones Scholarship fund. He called the Winterfest event a huge success for them. Dan Lehv, the president of the Steel, also thanked the supporters of the event for making it a successful night. Lehv said that they appreciated the sponsorship of the event by Illinois Aviation Academy.