Student of Purdue walked 100 miles on foot to a basketball game for honoring Tyler Trent

Aaron Lai, a Purdue Student, walked 100 miles on foot in the severe cold weather for honoring Tyler Trent. The journey was set up to reach Bloomington for witnessing the big game of basketball between Indiana and Purdue. He intended to raise funds for a cancer research fund named as Tyler Trent Cancer Research Fund. This fund is a charity in the honor of a student of Purdue University who died of bone cancer last month.
Trent was a superfan of Purdue Basketball team and he is an inspiration for millions of people as he battled hard against cancer until his unfortunate death. The family of Trent was sitting in the first line of the Memorial Stadium of Bloomington. The family welcomed Lai with opened arms as he reached the stadium after 100 miles walk. Trent’s father made emotional comments that we were texting Aaron saying “Go Aaron, you can do it”. He said, “it is really an honor for my family”.
Lai said that the journey from West Lafayette to Bloomington was full of injuries as he had hamstring pull and some blisters as well. He added that he had the strength and courage from the memories of Trent and his grandmother, both of them died of cancer.
Lai also said, “the emotions are making me feel relieved although I have a lot of pain in my body, I am thankful to the Trent’s family for showing love and affection for me”. The good thing is that Lai raised more than $23000 for the Tyler Trent Cancer Research Fund which is more than double to his target. The game was also exciting as Purdue beat Indiana by 48-46. It was a great gesture by the Lai to show his affection, love, and support to Trent who died of cancer in January this year. Trent is an inspiration for millions of people across the globe who are linked with the unfortunate disease of cancer. The 100 miles walk was quite challenging but he got strength from the memories of Trent and his grandmother.