A historic handshake on the Korean demarcation line
GOYANG, South Korea — The historic summit between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in took place on the southern side of the Demilitarized Zone. Both leaders were well-meaning and started a meeting with a handshake.
During the last year, North and South Korea had tense relations, so this meeting is a landmark event in the historical development of both countries. To shake hands the leaders stood on either side of the demarcation line separating Korean territory.
Holding their hands both leaders made steps to the territory of the opponent: Moon invited Kim Jong Un to step into the South part, in response North leader did the same inviting Moon to step into the North. The rest of the meeting was help in the South part.
The script of the meeting was carefully considered by North and South Korean officials who spend three days on harmonization and alignment of every step, movement and word of both leaders. This handshake is a historic occasion that strengthens the relationship and overcomes differences between South Korea and North Korea.