Ald. Brian Hopkins wants the monitoring of noise to crack down the noisy motorcycles

Ald. Brian Hopkins proposes the use of power for cracking down the noisy motorcycles. Noisy motorcyclists keep up lakefront residents at night most often. These bikers use the unmuffled motorcycles for producing noise.
Sara Feigenholz, state representative, implemented a new law two years ago. The law was aimed at reducing the noise of the motorcycles on Lake Shore Drive. The purpose of law was to provide a good sleep for the residents of the area. It gave power to the city administration to implement the noise monitors across the Lake Shore Drive. These noise monitors work same as the jet noise monitors. Jet noise monitors have been already installed in the surroundings of O’Hare and Midway airports.
Ald. Brian Hopkins took the benefit of this state law and he introduced an ordinance for the installation of noise monitors. He said, “Unmuffled motorcyclists do race during the summer on Lake Shore Drive, and we must have to take appropriate steps for dealing with them”. He added, “They are breaking the law and they are exceeding the noise limits”.
Hopkins said, “By having the noise control monitors on Lake Shore Drive, we will be able to reach the extent of the problem. The enforcement of the existing law by the CPD is important and we have to help them in this regard”. Hopkins also proposed some of other changes in the current law enforcement prospects.
Hopkins proposed the extension of the definition of “quite zone” in order to control the horn-honking, noise making, and car alarms around the hospitals. He also proposed the cracking down of underaged drinkers by the police. He proposed the empowerment of police to control the vehicles which are used in illegal transport and consumption of alcohol. Hopkins is working overtime for bringing reforms in the police enforcement.