Jody Cross criticizes decision of demolition of historic Oakdale Tabernacle

The historic Oakdale Tabernacle is located at Oakdale Nature Preserve. The Freeport Park District has taken a decision to demolish the Tabernacle. Jody Cross is upset with the decision along with hundreds of other Freeport citizens. Cross thinks that the decision is bad for the community. 49% of the community shares the view of Cross.
A question was proposed to the people living inside the limits of Freeport. 49% of the people said that they would not support the demolition of historic preservation. They wanted to spend $1.3 million on the preservation of the historic Tabernacle. Cross also thinks that the District might lie to everyone about this matter.
Cross shared her views on a Facebook page, Friends of the Freeport Park District, and wrote, “On Friday, January 17, we learned the Park District had filled out a grant last August for $400k that our district would match.” 60 people attended a meeting on January 7 in which they pleaded the board to keep the Tabernacle. However, the Board voted 3-2 in favor of the demolition of the historic structure.
The Oakdale Tabernacle is the only structurally sound Tabernacle in Illinois that is existent. Cross said that some people made an offer to the District about the preservation of the structure. Cross was among the core group of people who made the offer. Cross said that they offered the Board to give them 90 days.
Cross said that their offer included the creation of a non-profit to raise money for the preservation of the Tabernacle. Cross wrote in the post that it was the time when they learned about the $400k grant filled out by the District. She added that the board never wanted to save the Tabernacle in the first place. The next meeting of the board is scheduled for Tuesday, January 21, at the Freeport Park District’s main office. The demolition of the Tabernacle will be discussed in the meeting, according to the sources.