Nominations for at-large board seats sought
Aurora Downtown, a non-profit of downtown business and property owners are seeking nominations for at-large board seats. They have announced that its annual board election process has started for 2020. Nomination forms are due by August 24.
Special Service Area (SSA) #One with a 22-member board is overseen by the downtown organization. Currently, five at-large seats are up for reelection. Three-years is the term length for at-large board members. The candidates must either own property, business or be a manager, or have particular knowledge, training, or experience which would aid in development.
Attending board meetings and sit on one of the organization’s handfuls of committees. is expected from the board members. A property owner in SSA #One has to nominate the interested candidate. The board meets monthly at 8 a.m. on the third Thursday. A healthy and thriving downtown is the mission of Aurora Downtown.