Seatbelt Safety Zones to be conducted by Joliet Police

Seatbelt Safety Zones to be conducted by Joliet Police

The Joliet Police Chief Al Roechner announced that the Joliet Police Department will conduct Seatbelt Safety Zones. The police department will be in partnership with the Illinois Department of Transportation.

They will educate the people about the importance of seatbelt usage and try to reduce the number of impaired drivers the month of November. Special additional enforcement efforts will be carried from November 8th through November 16th. During this time, the efforts will include alcohol/seat belt saturation patrols, seatbelt enforcement zones, and roadside safety checkpoints throughout the city.

The officers assigned to this detail will check the following things.

  • alcohol violations
  • occupant and child restraint violations
  • cell phone usage violations
  • other violations of the Illinois Vehicle Code

Roechner said “It’s just not worth it to drive after drinking; don’t be a statistic. Choose to ensure you, your family, and your community are safe.”

A lot of accidents happen due to the negligence of the drivers and/or the passengers. They are advised to wear a seatbelt, never use an electronic communication device while driving, and not drink and drive.

Illinois Department of Transportation provides traffic safety enforcement grants which makes these kind of campaigns possible.

Staff writer for the Chicago Morning Star

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