Vitamin D and Fish Oil helps prevent cancer and heart attack
Consuming Vitamin D and Fish Oil capsules daily helps in reducing the risk of cancer and heart attack. This claim has come forward in a research conducted to show whether these supplements are beneficial or not. 25,000 American citizens took part in this research. They were given Vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids (fish oil capsules) for 5 years.
Some of the volunteers were given Vitamin D capsules while some consumed fish oil. Many of them were given both while there were a few people as well who remained abstained from the capsules. The results showed that the use of vitamin D reduces the risk of death from various types of cancer in normal-weight people.
In comparison, fish oil reduces the risk of heart attack. In the research, the people kept away from the supplements were given on average fish three times a week. The results of this study were presented during the annual meeting of the North American Menopause Society, but have not been published so far.
Jung Manson of Brigham & Women’s Hospital led the research team. He said that the results are a complex balance between benefits and risks. There have been various findings of the usage of fish oil in recent years. One of the research last year concluded that the use of fish oil has not shown to reduce the risk of death from any disease of any person including heart attack and stroke.
Omega-3 Fatty acids are those essential fats that the body can’t make on its own. Fish, walnuts, cardamom seeds, leafy vegetables, and vegetable oils provide these essential fats. It is assumed that about a billion people are suffering from Vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D can also be obtained from sunlight as well.