Amy Grant: Beware of coronavirus scams

State Rep. Amy Grant (R-Wheaton) has warned Illinoisans of coronavirus scams that have risen as the government has announced programs to help the struggling residents with the COVID-19 Pandemic. “Elderly people are particularly often the victims of this kind of thing,” Grant told the DuPage Policy Journal. “I’m reminding people to really be focused because there is a lot of confusion out there right now and it’s coming from pretty much everywhere you look.”
The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) authorities are also warning the residents of the scammers. The scams are usually conducted using robocalls to pitch different treatments for the virus, work-at-home schemes, online offers for vaccinations, home test kits, and texts or emails related to check payments from the government.
Grant said that there are a variety of scams going on. “I don’t know what others might be out there,” Grant added. “It’s really best to just stay on high alert for any kind of solicitations that seem to come from just nowhere.”
Grant, like many others, are looking for answers to what will happen. Everyone is feeling the effects of the virus, which is continuously growing. “Everyone has questions and is trying to figure out where we go from here,” she said. “I really think more information needs to be given to justify all the restrictions we’re now facing and may not be going anywhere soon.”
Grant is looking for many question’s answers, but one question is particularly in her mind. How many people are actually hospitalized with the coronavirus? “At this point, why would we not know that?” she added. “I think it would give us a lot more context for everything we find ourselves having to deal with.”