Canada is warming two times more than the rest of the world, report says

A new scientific report has been released which says, “Canada is warming twice as compared to the rest of the world”. It is an alarming situation for the country in terms of global warming. The Arctic of Canada has witnessed the deepest impact and it will continue to warm quickly.
The report says that the effects which are already seen in Canada are irreversible. The annual average temperature of Canada has been risen up to 3-degree Fahrenheit or 1.7 degree centigrade since 1948. The largest rise has been noticed in the Prairies and in Northern British Columbia. The Northern Canada witnessed the increase of annual average temperature by 2.3 degree centigrade.
The report highlighted that the human activities and natural variations are the reasons behind the rise of warming in Canada. More than half of the observed warming scenarios in Canada are due to the human involvement.
Canada is facing the adverse effects of warming including extreme weather conditions. The hotness in temperature can cause droughts in several areas of Canada. There are also more chances of wildfires in the summer due to hot temperature. The marine life can also be affected due to the increase in the acidity and oxygenation of the ocean water. The rise in sea level due to the melting of more ice can cause flooding in the coastal areas.
The loss of snow and sea ice are the reasons behind the warming of Canada. Canada has signed the Paris Agreement of controlling climatic changes along with nearly 200 other countries. The government is taking the steps to make the people aware of the hazards associated with the warming of Canada. There is clear need of a stiff plan to ensure the reduction of climate change in Canada on governmental level. The impacts of warming of Canada are adverse and everyone is under a threat due to it. “Climate Action Incentive” rebate is a step taken by the federal government of Canada in this regard.