ENVISION Grant recipients announced by Chicago Artists Coalition

ENVISION Grant recipients announced by Chicago Artists Coalition

The 2020 ENVISION Grant program was for the artists based in Chicago working in the field of time-based digital and electronic art. The Chicago Artists Coalition announced the winners of the program. According to the CAC announcement, Kayla Anderson and Kristin McWharter are the winners of the grant program.

The CAC awarded unrestricted grants of $2500 each to Anderson and McWharter for their excellent demonstration of digital and electronic art. According to the CAC officials, it is the inaugural year of the ENVISION Grant program. The Carl & Marilynn Thoma Art Foundation partnered with the CAC to introduce this grant program in 2020.

Teresa Silva, the executive and artistic director of the Coalition, said during the announcement of the winners, “We are pleased to provide direct funding to Kayla Anderson and Kristin McWharter for their compelling and rigorous work.” Silva hoped that the grants would help the artists to improve their studio practice.

Silva thanked Thoma Art Foundation for its support to the artists based in Chicago. Jason Foumberg, the curator of digital art of the Thoma Art Foundation, said, “The Thoma Foundation is thrilled to sponsor this three-year award for emerging Chicago-based artists working in the digital art field.” Foumberg praised the efforts of Anderson and McWharter in the field of digital art.

Foumberg said, “We are pleased that the jury has selected Kayla Anderson and Kristin McWharter who shed light on human relations in our technological age.” The CAC and the Thoma Foundation will organize an award ceremony to recognize Anderson and McWharter. According to the CAC officials, the application process for the next ENVISION Grant program will open in May 2021. For more information, kindly visit https://news.chicagoartistscoalition.org/t/i-l-xkjdya-dlvzir-j/.

Senior writer at the Chicago Morning Star

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