Burning Tree Lane Fire

Naperville’s Public Safety Answering Point (PSAP) received a phone call at 5:54 p.m. on Friday, June 12 for a structure fire at a two-story row of townhouses located in the 500 block of Burning Tree Lane. A general alarm assignment was dispatched by Naperville 911(PSAP).
The assignment consisted of 10 pieces of fire apparatus and 24 personnel, including an Incident Commander and Incident Safety Officer. Just after 5 minutes of the call, at 5:59 p.m. Squad 9 arrived on the scene. They identified heavy black smoke coming from an exterior stairwell leading to the basement of one of the townhouse units.
An aggressive interior fire attack was initiated by the Squad 9 crew and supporting suppression units. They advance the hose lines to the basement of the building. Heavy smoke and high heat conditions were faced by the crews in the basement. They advanced to the seat of the fire was deliberate and arduous. At 6:09 p.m. the response to the fire was upgraded from a general alarm to a box alarm.
The box alarm brought additional suppression units to the scene and Naperville fire stations for coverage. The fire was under control within 45 minutes of the NFD arrival. Coordinated fire attack and sound tactics made the quick-fire control possible. Overhaul and ventilation were conducted to expose any areas of high heat and remove smoke from the building.
Naperville Police Department, Naperville Transportation, Engineering, and Development Team (TED); Naperville Fire Department Fire assisted the Naperville Fire Department. The investigators of the fire are NICOR; The Warrenville Fire Protection District; Downers Grove Fire Department; and MABAS 16 IMAT Team. Wheaton Fire Department, Lockport Fire Protection District, the Westmont Fire Department, the Oswego Fire Protection District, and the Plainfield Fire Protection District provided Station Coverage.