Terrorist attack on mosque kills 16 people in Burkina Faso

Terrorist attack on mosque kills 16 people in Burkina Faso

Extremism is increasing with the passage of time. The Muslims are under the threat of terror attacks in almost every country. The surprising thing is that the Muslims are killed in most of the terror attacks and the Muslims are blamed to be the terrorists as well. A terrorist incident took place yesterday in an African country that killed more than a dozen people who were offering prayer in a mosque.

Some armed people attacked a mosque located in the northern area of Burkina Faso, a West African country. 16 people, who were offering prayer, were killed in the incident. Two people were critically wounded as well. According to a report, the incident occurred late at night in a grand mosque located in the Salmosi village of Burkina Faso. 13 people lost their lives at the spots while three wounded people could not recover and died later.

A resident of the nearby town said that the citizens had started migration after the incident and there was a stressed environment even in the presence of the army. After the incident happened in a mosque, more than 1000 people demonstrated a peace march towards the capital of Burkina Faso, Ouagadougou. The demonstrators protested against the presence of foreign army bases and terrorism. Gabon Corbuego, one of the protest organizers, said, “Terrorism has become a good excuse for the interruption of the foreign armies in our country.”

Corbuego added, “The French, American, Canadian, German, and other foreign armies have stepped up in our region and they say that they want to fight against terrorism. But the terror groups are becoming strong even in the presence of these armies.”

Burkina Faso, the poorest country of Africa, was under the dangerous terror attacks until 2015 that impacted the neighbor countries including Niger and Mali. More than 600 people have lost their lives in suicide attacks that occurred in Burkina Faso. Al Qaeda and ISIS started were behind the attacks, according to a report.

Managing editor of the Chicago Morning Star

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