Vehicle crash incident occurs at Royce and Lisson Roads

The Naperville Police Department responded to a traffic accident that occurred on the intersection of Royce Rd. and Lisson Rd. on Saturday, June 6, 2020, at 7:30 pm. The responders found upon initial inspection that two vehicles were involved in a head on collision. One of the vehicles was a pickup truck. The police officials said that the pickup truck was overturned.
A Silver 2014 Dodge Ram and a black 2017 Ford Fiesta were involved in the crash, according to the police officials. The driver of the Ford Fiesta was declared deceased on the scene. The Naperville Fire Department provided necessary medical aid to the driver. The Traffic Unit of the Naperville Police Department has started investigating the crash.
The members of the Traffic Unit are trained in crash reconstruction. Upon the initial inspection, the officials found that the driver of the Dodge Ram was traveling westbound on Royce Road while the driver of the Ford Fiesta was traveling in the eastbound lane of Royce Road. The Ford Fiesta was struck head on by the Dodge Ram when the driver of Dodge Ram crossed over into the westbound lanes.
According to the police officials, the Dodge Ram rolled over several times before coming to a rest. The Dodge Ram was found upside down after being rolled over several times, the initial inspection revealed. The Naperville Fire officials extricated the driver of the Ford Fiesta from the vehicle. He was pronounced dead on the scene.
Frank P. Qualtier, a 54-year-old Naperville man, was driving the Dodge Ram. He has been charged with aggravated driving under the influence and reckless homicide. He is expected to face additional charges by the State Attorneys Office of Will County. The driver of the Ford Fiesta, a 41-year-old man, belonged to Woodridge. The members of the Traffic Unit have been investigating the crash.