JJC: All Fall 2020 Lectures to be Held Online

Joliet Junior College President Dr. Judy Mitchell has informed the campus community that all fall 2020 lectures will be delivered online. She also said there is potential for in-person labs if conditions are safe for doing so.
JJC‘s plan aligns with state mandates outlined in the Restore Illinois Plan. Dr. Mitchell said, “The last two months we have lived through a lot of instability and frustration with constantly evolving information.”
She added, “We know there continues to be many unanswered questions, and we are working every day to further define what our reality looks like in the coming months. Our mission, however, remains the same and I am grateful for the hope and positivity our campus community collectively generates daily to support one another through these challenges.”
All Fall 2020 lecture courses will be delivered online
This includes lecture courses that had been scheduled to be traditional face-to-face as well as lecture courses that had been scheduled to be hybrid.
Courses scheduled with a combination of lecture and lab should be delivered in a hybrid format—lecture online and lab face-to-face.
The state’s Restore Illinois plan and achievement of the Phase 4 standard allows for face-to-face component. Online lab stimulators will be used in lieu of face-to-face labs until the standard is met. The departments, deans, and JJC’s Academic Affairs division will develop the details and finalize.
Lab-only courses will be delivered face-to face contingent upon the State’s Restore Illinois mandate and achievement of the Phase 4 standard
Online lab stimulators will be used in lieu of face-to-face labs until this standard is met. The August commencement is also postponed. The JJC Graduation Committee is working toward a recommendation on how to proceed. Remote works goes on by the employees as the college remains in Phase 2 of the state plan.