Peoria government invites public to attend ‘Learn with Peoria County, Spring Programs

The North Campus of Illinois Central College is ready to host the Learn with Peoria County programs for Spring 2020. The staff members of Peoria County will share their experiences in their respective fields during these programs. The participants will get an opportunity to ask questions from the experts as well.
According to the program managers, the participants are needed to get registered for the programs to attend them. Peoria County Government invites the adults aging 18 and above to fulfill the registration requirement and attend the upcoming programs.
Interested residents can also get registered for the programs by calling the Illinois Central College at (309) 690-6900. The government also released the dates for the upcoming spring 2020 programs. The ‘People’s Law School: Cannabis FAQs’ program will take place on Wednesday, February 12, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Jodi Hoos, the Peoria County State’s Attorney, will be the instructor in the program. He will discuss the legalization of recreational cannabis in Illinois.
The ‘Understanding Law Enforcement: Use of force, Investigative Processes, and Disciplinary Procedures’ program will take place on Wednesday, March 4, from 6:00 am to 8:00 pm. Doug Gaa, the Chief Deputy of the Peoria County Sheriff’s Office, will discuss the law enforcement matters with the community. The ‘Personal Safety: Don’t Become a Victim’ program will take place on Wednesday, March 11, from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm. Aimee Shinall, the Victim Services Coordinator of the Peoria County Sheriff’s Office, will give instructions to the participants related to public safety.
The ‘Situational Awareness: A Life Safety Skill’ program will take place on Tuesday, March 31, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm. Gaa will discuss situational awareness with the participants during the program. All of these programs will be hosted at Illinois Central College’s North Campus.