Bombing on hospitals and military installations kill 45 people

Bombing on hospitals and military installations kill 45 people

According to the media reports, 44 people have lost their lives due to the bombing of governmental, Russian, and Israeli forces in Damascus. Israeli forces said that a rocket attack was conducted in Israel from the Syrian territory. They added that the Israeli Air Force replied to the rocket attack and conducted bombing across the Syrian capital, Damascus.

Israeli forces said that they conducted bombing on the mountains of Golan. They targeted the Iranian Revolutionary Guards operating in Syria. According to Israel, the Israeli Air Force targeted one Iranian military installation on the Damascus Airport. Israeli forces claimed the killing of 23 people in the attacks and 16 of them were from Iran.

Russia condemned the Israeli attack on Damascus and said that it was a wrong step. Russian officials said that the Israeli attack was against the international laws. In another incident, Russian and Syrian government forces attacked the refugee camp and populated areas with rockets in Idlib province of Syria. 22 people lost their lives in the rocket attack including 10 children and 3 women.

According to the spokesperson of the Syrian Civil Defense, the governmental and Russian forces attacked Idlib province of Syria with cluster bombs. The use of cluster bombs is banned internationally. Two missiles burst near a hospital that injured two doctors as well. The hospital and medical services were damaged badly in the attacks. The patients were transported to other hospitals as a result.

4 children and two other people died in another attack in Syria. It was the 65th attack on the hospitals and medical services in Syria since April 2019. It is illegal to attack hospitals and medical centers according to international laws. In the Syrian war, Russia is claimed to be involved in the attacks on hospitals. The United Nations officials allegedly stated that Russia carried out attacks on the hospitals intentionally.

Managing editor of the Chicago Morning Star

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