JJC online classes available

Joliet Junior College has made the decision to extended the online class offerings through the summer 2020 semester. They will also be tentatively rescheduling their commencement ceremony to a date in August amid the COVID-19 pandemic. JJC President wants the students to experience the commencement ceremony in a safe environment.
Dr. Judy Mitchell, JJC president, said, “As a leadership team, we believe the commencement ceremony is an important and meaningful experience for our students, especially after all of the hard work they put into the completion of their journey at JJC, and so we want to do our best to provide that for them in a safe environment.”
The final date for the commencement will be announced after monitoring the situation of the pandemic. After the date is finalized, the college will then determine a deadline for students to order caps and gowns. For the latest updates, the students and employees are advised to keep on checking their emails. A FAQ page has been created by the college. The students and community members can go to the FAQ page for their inquiries.
JJC has made it possible for the 1400 courses to be taught online. They began the online classes since March 29. They trained the faculty in as little as two weeks. College services are also only available online. The students have been taught online in a remote, safe environment during the pandemic.
This new scenario has brought out the best in JJC ingenuity and community support, from one professor’s virtual ice carving instruction in his front yard to creating surgical mask shields for healthcare workers using the college’s 3D printers. May 15 is the last day of instruction for the spring semester.