Reopen discovery in Roshad McIntosh’s killing by Police in 2014

The new evidences would probably lead the mother of Roshad McIntosh towards the truth associated with his death. Jorge L. Alonso, a judge of US District Court, has ruled the reopen discovery on the base of new evidences, according to the court papers.
McIntosh was killed by a police officer back in August, 2014. Independent Police Review Authority of Chicago (IPRA) investigated that the shooting was straightforward. The case was closed by the authority in 2015 with the finding that McIntosh pointed the gun on officer and he shot him 3 times. The review authority did not recommend any disciplinary actions against officer and the Cook County State Attorney did not press any charges.
Cynthia Lane, mother of McIntosh, filed a lawsuit against the police officers involved in the killing of her son. Lane’s attorney said, “We never believed the narrative of the police in this case”. IPRA is now known as COPA and it reopened the case in 2017. The new evidences gathered during the re-investigation of the case have revealed new things. These evidences have now become the catalyst for the reopen discovery of the case.
Both the parties have filed a joint report in the court which appeals to reopen discovery of the case for exploring the COPA’s re-investigation. Andrew Stroth, attorney of Lane, said, “The new information will help us to prove that McIntosh was killed unconstitutionally by the police and it is all about reaching the truth for Lane”.
Stroth also said, “The reopen discovery orders by the court will help my team to get necessary documents, transcripts, and other papers which were generated in COPA’s re-investigation”. He added, “It will also allow my team to interview the witnesses questioned by COPA during the investigation”. Lane said, “It makes me confident to reach the justice and I am quite happy”. The discovery deadline is set for September, 2019 by judge Alonso.