Ethiopian Prime Minister gets Peace Nobel Prize

Alexandros Michailidis /
Abiy Ahmed, the prime minister of Ethiopia, has got the Peace Nobel Prize 2019 for making efforts to bring peace in Eritrea. Ethiopia and Eritrea fought a border war against each other between 1998 and 2000. The relation between the two countries restored after a long period of several years of clashes in July 2018.
Berit Reiss-Andersen, the head of the five-member committee, announced the Peace Nobel Prize 2019. He said, “Ahmed signed a peace and friendship memorandum with Isaias Afewerki, the president of Eritrea, in 2018, in the early days of taking office as the prime minister of Ethiopia.” Ahmed said that he was feeling happy after getting the Peace Nobel Prize. In a telephonic talk with the Nobel Committee, Ahmed said, “This Peace Nobel Prize is given to Africa and Ethiopia.”
Ahmed hoped that the head of the African countries would take this prize positively and play their role in making Africa a peaceful continent. The Nobel Committee said in a statement, “The main purpose of this Nobel Prize is to appreciate all of those people and stakeholders who played their role in bringing peace in Ethiopia, West Africa, and Northwestern Africa.”
The committee stated that there was still a lot to be done in Ethiopia. Ahmed brought key reforms in the country which illuminated the lives and future of the Ethiopians. He spend his first 100 days as the prime minister of Ethiopia in removing emergency, giving relief to thousands of political prisoners, ending media censorship, giving legal status to the banned opposition groups, removing military and political leaders who were involved in corruption, and enhancing the role of women in the political and social progress of Ethiopia.
Ahmed got success in achieving the targets he set for his early days of taking his office as the prime minister of Ethiopia. He will receive an amount of $0.9 million on the base of winning a Peace Nobel Prize in December. Every Peace Nobel Prize winner gets this amount.